Arrivals and departures
Traveling to IOI’2009 location City of Plovdiv (ПЛОВДИВ) is situated in Middle-South Bulgaria (Thracian Valley), about 130 km from Sofia (СОФИЯ) – the capital of Bulgaria. 
Airports The closest airport to Plovdiv is Sofia Аirport. Delegations that will land at Sofia Аirport will be transported by buses to Plovdiv (about 75-80 min on the highway). There is an airport near Plovdiv but it is not operating as a regular airport yet. Two other international airports of Bulgaria are situated on the Black Sea Coast – in Burgas (БУРГАС) and Varna (ВАРНА). Traveling from Burgas to Plovdiv is 2,5–3 hours (270 km). Even not very convenient, it is possible to fly to Burgas too. Traveling from Varna (in August) could take 5 hours and is not recommended at all. Traveling by train Delegations that are planning to travel by train could book tickets directly to Plovdiv, or to buy tickets Sofia-Plovdiv at Sofia Central Railway Station. The price of one ticket is about 12-15 leva (6-7,5 EUR) for one way or 18-23 leva (9-11,5 EUR) when two way tickets are booked. There are more than 10 trains during the day (from 6:00 to 22:00). The time of the travel is about 2 hours (speed trains) and 3 hours (slow trains). Traveling by bus Delegations that are planning to travel by bus could buy tickets Sofia-Plovdiv at Sofia Central Bus Station. The price of one ticket is about 12-14 leva (6-7 EUR). There are more than 15 direct buses during the day (from 7:00 to 20:00) and more than 25 buses passing through Plovdiv Bus Station. The time of the travel is about 1,5 hours. Traveling by train and bus Sofia Central Railway Station and Sofia Central Bus Station are inside a distance of 100 m so combined travels “bus + train” or “train + bus” are quite possible.